Hearing Hope

Bera test

Understanding the BERA Test: A Comprehensive Guide

The Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) test is a crucial diagnostic tool used in both audiology and neurology. It is critical in assessing hearing and neurological functions, particularly in newborns, infants, and individuals unable to participate in standard hearing tests. This article will provide an in-depth understanding of the BERA test’s importance, procedures, and applications.

What is the BERA Test?

The Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) test, or the Auditory Brainstem Response test, is a non-invasive, objective method for assessing auditory nerve routes from the ear to the brainstem. It measures electrical activity in the auditory nerve and brainstem in response to sound stimuli. This test is beneficial for identifying hearing impairments that are not detectable through other conventional hearing tests. By using electrodes to capture electrical responses, the BERA test provides valuable insights into the functionality of the auditory system.

Importance of the BERA Test

The BERA test is important for several reasons:-

  • Early Detection: It helps detect hearing impairments in newborns and infants early, enabling timely intervention and management. Early identification of hearing issues is vital for developing speech and language skills.
  • Diagnostic Tool: It aids in diagnosing auditory neuropathy, hearing loss, and other neurological disorders, making it indispensable for audiologists and neurologists in their diagnostic arsenal.
  • Objective Assessment: Unlike subjective hearing tests, BERA provides objective results, making it reliable for patients who cannot communicate or cooperate during testing. This objectivity is critical in clinical settings where precise data is needed for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Who Needs a BERA Test?

The BERA test is recommended for a variety of individuals across different age groups:

  • Newborns and Infants: Early screening can help address potential hearing issues before they impact speech development, especially for those with a family history of hearing loss or who were born prematurely.
  • Children and adults: These are children suspected of having hearing impairments or auditory processing disorders. They might include individuals who have shown signs of hearing difficulties in noisy environments or who struggle with speech and language comprehension.
  • Individuals with Neurological Conditions: To assess the integrity of the auditory pathways. Patients with conditions such as multiple sclerosis or brainstem lesions may require this test to evaluate the impact of their condition on auditory function.

How is the BERA Test Conducted?


No special preparation is required for the BERA test. However, patients are usually advised to:

  • Rest Well: Ensure they are well-rested before the test, especially for infants needing sleep during the procedure. A well-rested patient can help achieve more accurate results.
  • Avoid Caffeine: Adults should avoid caffeine on the test day to prevent interference with the results. Caffeine can sometimes affect the nervous system, potentially skewing the test outcomes.


  • Electrode Placement: Small electrodes are placed on the scalp, earlobes, or mastoid bones. These electrodes are designed to pick up electrical signals generated in response to auditory stimuli.
  • Sound Stimuli: Clicks or tone bursts are transmitted via earphones. The sounds used are specifically chosen to elicit a response from the auditory nerve and brainstem.
  • Recording Responses: The electrodes record the electrical responses generated by the auditory nerve and brainstem. These responses are then displayed as waveforms on a computer screen.
  • Data Analysis: The recorded responses are analyzed to determine the auditory thresholds and the integrity of the auditory pathways. This analysis helps in diagnosing the type and extent of hearing impairment.


Depending on the patient’s age and cooperation, the BERA test usually takes 30 minutes to an hour. Infants and young children may require a longer duration if they need time to settle down or fall asleep during the test. The time also varies based on the complexity of the test and the specific protocols the testing facility follows.

Interpreting BERA Test Results

An audiologist or neurologist interprets the BERA test results. The critical aspects analyzed include:

  • Latency of Waves: The time intervals between the sound stimuli and the resultant waves. Delays in these latencies can indicate specific hearing loss or neurological issues.
  • Waveform Morphology: The configuration and dimensions of the captured waveforms. Abnormal waveforms can suggest issues in the auditory pathways or brainstem.
  • Amplitude of Waves: The waves’ height indicates the strength of the neural response. Reduced amplitudes may point to weakened neural responses, suggesting potential hearing impairments.

Abnormal results may indicate hearing loss, auditory neuropathy, or other neurological disorders requiring further investigation. A thorough analysis of these factors helps clinicians pinpoint the exact nature and location of the hearing or neurological issue, leading to more effective treatment plans.

Applications of the BERA Test

Newborn Hearing Screening

Identifying hearing impairment early is crucial for the development of language and cognitive abilities. The BERA test is often used in universal newborn hearing screening programs to identify infants with hearing issues early on. Early intervention can dramatically improve children’s developmental results hearing loss allows them to achieve milestones comparable to those of their peers with normal hearing.

Diagnosing Hearing Loss

The BERA test helps in diagnosing different types of hearing loss, including:

  • Conductive Hearing Loss: Caused by issues with the outer or middle ear. This type of hearing loss is frequently associated with ear infections, fluid in the ear, and abnormalities.
  • Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Due to inner ear or auditory nerve damage. This type is often permanent and may be caused by genetic factors, ageing, or exposure to loud noise.
  • Auditory Neuropathy: A disorder characterized by poor sound transmission from the inner ear to the brain. This can result in inconsistent hearing ability, making it difficult to understand speech clearly.

Neurological Assessments

The BERA test is valuable in assessing the auditory pathways in patients with neurological conditions such as:

  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS): To evaluate the involvement of auditory pathways. MS can affect both the brain and spinal cord, and the BERA test assists in evaluating its influence on hearing.
  • Brainstem Lesions: To detect lesions or tumours affecting the brainstem. Identifying such issues early can be crucial for effective treatment and management.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders: To rule out auditory processing issues. While autism is not a hearing impairment, many individuals on the spectrum have difficulties with sensory processing, including hearing.

Advantages of the BERA Test

The BERA test offers several advantages:

  • Non-Invasive: It is a safe and non-invasive procedure. This makes it suitable for patients of all ages, including those sensitive to more invasive procedures.
  • Objective Results: Provides reliable and objective data. Unlike behavioural tests that require patient responses, BERA does not rely on subjective input, ensuring consistency in results.
  • Early Intervention: Facilitates early detection and intervention for hearing impairments. Early diagnosis can lead to timely management, improving the quality of life for patients.
  • Broad Applicability: Suitable for patients of all ages, including newborns and individuals with special needs. Its versatility makes it a go-to test in various clinical scenarios.

Limitations of the BERA Test

Despite its advantages, the BERA test has some limitations:

  • Limited Frequency Range: It primarily assesses high-frequency hearing, which may not detect low-frequency hearing loss. This means additional tests might be necessary to understand a patient’s hearing ability.
  • Patient Cooperation: This requires the patient to remain still and relaxed, which can be challenging for some individuals. Movement or restlessness can affect the accuracy of the test.
  • Complementary Tests: These may need to be supplemented with other audiological tests for a comprehensive assessment. While BERA provides valuable information, it is often part of a battery of tests to diagnose hearing conditions.

BERA Test vs. Other Hearing Tests

BERA Test vs. Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE)

  • BERA Test: Assesses the auditory pathway from the ear to the brainstem. This comprehensive approach helps identify issues at various points along the path.
  • OAE: Evaluates the function of the outer hair cells in the cochlea and is often used in conjunction with BERA for newborn screening. OAE is quicker but less comprehensive than BERA, making them complementary tests in many diagnostic protocols.

BERA Test vs. Pure Tone Audiometry

  • BERA Test: Objective and does not require active participation from the patient. This makes it ideal for testing infants, young children, or individuals who cannot reliably respond to auditory stimuli.
  • Pure Tone Audiometry: This is subjective and requires the patient’s response to sound stimuli. While it provides detailed information about hearing thresholds across different frequencies, it relies heavily on patient cooperation and accurate responses.

Preparing for a BERA Test

For Infants

  • Feeding: Ensure the infant is well-fed and comfortable. A content and sleepy baby is more likely to remain still during the test.
  • Sleep: Schedule the test during the infant’s nap time for better cooperation. This increases the likelihood of the infant sleeping through the procedure, minimizing movement and potential disturbances.

For Adults

  • Relaxation: Stay relaxed and avoid stress before the test. Stress and anxiety can affect the nervous system, potentially influencing test results.
  • Medical History: Inform the audiologist of any medications or medical conditions affecting the test results. This information can help the audiologist interpret the results more accurately and make necessary adjustments to the test procedure.

Post-Test Care

  • Normal Activities: Patients can resume routine activities immediately. No recovery period is needed as the test is non-invasive and safe.
  • Results Discussion: Discuss the test results with the audiologist or neurologist to understand the implications and necessary follow-up. They will provide insights into the findings and recommend any further tests or treatments if needed.


The BERA test is essential for early detection and diagnosis of hearing and neurological disorders. Its non-invasive procedure, objective results, and wide range of uses make it a valuable tool in audiology and neurology. Understanding the BERA test, its process, and applications can help both patients and healthcare providers appreciate its importance in promoting hearing health. Early detection through BERA testing allows for timely treatment, greatly improving the quality of life for individuals with hearing issues or neurological conditions. For those seeking the best hearing test in Delhi, the BERA test is a reliable option for accurate diagnosis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a BERA test used for?

The BERA (Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry) test evaluates hearing function and the health of the auditory pathway from the ear to the brainstem. This test is invaluable for the early identification of hearing impairments in newborns and infants. It is essential for diagnosing various types of hearing loss, including conductive, sensorineural, and auditory neuropathy. Furthermore, the BERA test is essential for assessing the auditory system in individuals with neurological conditions.

Why is the BERA test beneficial?

BERA offers numerous advantages. It is non-invasive and safe, making it suitable for individuals of all ages, including newborns and those sensitive to invasive procedures. The test provides objective results, delivering reliable data independent of patient responses, ensuring consistency. This facilitates early detection of hearing issues, enabling timely management. Moreover, BERA has broad applicability and is useful for patients of all ages and abilities.

Who needs a BERA test?

The BERA test is recommended for various groups, including newborns and infants who have a family history of hearing loss, were born prematurely, or exhibit signs of hearing difficulties. It is also advised for children and adults who are suspected of having hearing loss or auditory processing disorders. Additionally, individuals with neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis or brainstem lesions are advised to undergo the BERA test.

How is the BERA test conducted?

The BERA test involves placing electrodes on the scalp, earlobes, or mastoid bones and presenting click or tone burst sounds through earphones. These sounds generate electrical responses within the auditory pathway, which are then recorded. The recorded responses are analysed to assess hearing thresholds and the integrity of the auditory pathway.

What are the limitations of the BERA test?

The BERA test, while valuable, does have its limitations. It primarily assesses high-frequency hearing, which means it might miss low-frequency hearing loss. Additionally, the test requires the patient to remain still and relaxed, which can be challenging for some individuals. To obtain a comprehensive assessment of a patient’s hearing, complementary audiological tests may also be necessary.

Dr. Harshi, is an accomplished Audiologist with extensive expertise in treating individuals with hearing impairments.

Dr. Harshi, MBBS, Audiologist

Dr. Harshi

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